Friday, September 30, 2011

Mission Statement, from Concerned Citizens of Hastings

It is clear after one term in office, PETER SWIDERSKI is the WRONG MAN for the position of Mayor.  Under Peter Swiderski Hastings has cultivated a relationship with British Petroleum (B.P.), the Mayor repeatedly refusing to clarify the terms under which B.P. has been showering cash on the village.  He has shown himself to be duplicitous in his epic mishandling of the deer issue, resulting in a waste of residents time and energy and landing Hastings the distinction of being the first community in New York state history to obtain a permit for the medieval, barbaric net & bolt slaughter of deer.  The Mayor was admittedly complacent and uniformed as to the village's operating budget, resulting in a DEVALUATION OF THE VILLAGE'S CREDIT & BOND RATING.   Had it not been for a stroke of dumb 'McMansion' luck (building fees for a Broadway mansion) the village would have been left without an operating budget.

Most disturbing is that this Broadway mansion may well be a sign of what is to come for Hastings.  Under Peter Swiderski Hastings-on-Hudson is becoming increasingly monolithic in nature, with tax increases more than doubling over the last decade.  Currently, twenty four percent (24) of the general fund in Hastings' budget goes to pension and health care, the health insurance costs out pacing that of the cost of living.  The result of which is driving middle and lower income families out of the village and stripping Hastings of the diversity which has been it's staple.   The Mayor and his empty, self serving rhetoric must be replaced by a strong leader,  an authentic Mayor who knows and appreciates the history of diversity that has been the village of Hastings and not one who simply gives the concept empty lip service

The historic economic challenges and restructuring which face us, combined with Mayor Swiderski's insulation and the lack of diversity which comprises the majority of his board of trustees, are a sure recipe for "McDisaster", threatening the very identity of the village of Hastings-on-Hudson.

Mayor Swiderski has given us much insight into his character in the last two years.  We ask that you acquaint yourselves with some of the highlights of Mayor Swiderski's first term in office.  View the videos presented on the site, as well as the meetings and transcripts from which the many clips have been excerpted, at WHOH-TV.ORG.  Less than 500 hundred residents voted in the last Mayoral election, in a village of nearly 8,000.  This is simply unacceptable. It is time now that the village of Hastings-on-Hudson wake from it's sleep, for if this is allowed to continue the village which we know and love will surely be lost.  

Concerned Citizens of Hastings are current and former residents committed to doing everything in our power to ensure that Peter Swiderski is 'indeed' replaced and Hastings preserved. 

Friday, September 23, 2011


Meg "Grin & Never Bare It" Walker
In spite of the historic economic challenges which confront us all, perhaps the worst of the last century, Hastings on Hudson's game of charades continued undaunted at a recent Board of Trustee meeting (9-20).  
If trustee Meg Walker's mouth is moving, you know she's dreaming and scheming about only one thing, getting her little pale hands on some big green grant money, for you guessed it, yet another park.  The gingered haired 'grandma of grants' reminds one of a jonsing addict, endlessly searching a carpet for spilled coke, long after said carpet has been brought to the dump.    It seems to matter not how many times trustee Walker is told, "there is no money", "they won't loan us money," "we can't borrow money," " they won't give us the grant," "we're broke," "maybe we shouldn't be wasting our time," Meg Walker remains undeterred in her pursuit of, grants, grants, grants.                                                                                                       
The endless parade of charades on display under Mayor Peter Swiderski is well documented, even with the bar of delusion, insulation and ego set at olympic heights, Trustee Walker does not disappoint.  Upon being elected village trustee, B.P.'s hostess with the 'mostess', Ms. Friday Night Live, began floating the concept of Hastings on Hudson as a tourist destination, setting her sights on tourism as her angle for obtaining grants.  That's right folks, tourism.  Tourism in Hastings-on-Hudson?   Tourism???   Does trustee Walker know something we don't, is there something behind that perpetual grin, could Meg be holding out on us?  What has she up her sleeve?   A sighting of "Nessie" in Sugar Pond?  Big Foot in the Hillside woods?  A fanning of the rumor that Jimmy Hoffa ate his last meal at the Center Restaurant and is buried beneath MC Cleaners?   Are we about to learn that long time Hastings resident and former Mayor Julius Chemka invented the snow tire?   Or worse, does she have plans to unearth the scandalous affair between the late Vic Foley (owner of Foley's garage) and former heavy weight champion Mike Tyson, with hopes that tourists will flock to the Farragut avenue garage/love nest. Indeed.  Had Jim Morrison penned "L.A. Woman" in Ansels Bar & Grill after getting off the train at the wrong stop on a trip back east to visit a sick aunt in Dobbs Ferry?   Perhaps a Virgin Mary sighting in the passenger window of Mayor Swiderski's Winstar might provide some much needed pedestrian traffic.   Or are plans being proposed for a John Bartholomew Tucker Museum? (J.B.T. a former Hastings resident and host of 1967's Treasure Isle) Perhaps all of Meg's eggs are in Tim Downey's ground breaking concept of turning Hastings into "venison country," with he and village Mayor Swiderski serving as the modern day Gallo Brothers of deer meat.   Whatever is in the works as a draw for Hastings "tourism", it had better top the current attraction that of ' a walk along the aqueduct' (where of late, a number of "tourists" have been prey for Childrens Village youth), or the installation of "spirit houses," which proved, 'if you build it,' (a bird house on sticks), 'they may not come.'  Trails, 'vest pocket' parks, an average Farmers Market, 'poem in your pocket day', parades, bazaars, even the films of local resident Peter Callahan, are simply not going to win the 'tourism' day, or grant dollar.  What on earth then could trustee Walker be thinking?   

         "Hey honey, I feel like doing something, let's take a trip, where do you feel like going?"  How about Niagara Falls?  The Poconos, how about Lake George?  You feel like Cooperstown, a little Hall of Fame?"    
         "I don't know."
         "Hey, I got an idea, how 'bout Hastings?   Watch them dredge the riverfront for p.c.b.'s, huh? C'mon it's right down the road.  It's like being surrounded by Canadians without ever having to cross the border.  C'mon we'll feel better about ourselves after bathing in the mediocrity."
Grants for tourism, Ms.Walker?   For whom?  The throngs who arrive daily from Yonkers to purchase the Daily News at Hastings Stationary?  The illegal hunters encouraged to patrol the area by the ever accommodating Mayor Swiderski? Or is it the non residents who take in the odd Friday Night Live gathering?  These individuals are but visitors Meg, they are not "tourists."  Grants for tourism Ms. Walker, to see what?   How a once unique and vibrant village who's charm was it's diversity and it's people, transformed into a vapid, faceless, collection of self involved, political correct 'Stepford yuppies', who believe the birth of deer is something that should only be witnessed on television?   The sad truth is, the above are in fact now the only thing to see, and are "indeed" the resources of Hastings.  Chief among them, trustee Walker's ever present inauthentic grin and the empty rhetoric of Hastings Mayor Peter Swiderski.  They exemplify the current state of the village better than anything, for they capture, empty.   

Perhaps another mayoral proclamation is in order.
        And whereas, Hastings has lost nearly all connection to it's past, as I have no interest in maintaining diversity, for authenticity of any kind scares the hell outta me.  And whereas my visage and words serve to ensure that this will be so. And whereas,  as I continue to wait for John H. Gonder to finally vacate 153 James street and go the 'big public comment in the sky', ridding us of the last vocal connection to this past plaguing our now generic homogeneous community.  I promise to maintain and enhance the village's image by furthering my brown nosing relationship with the most earth conscious company around, the gang at British Petroleum.  And whereas, I will continue to present Hastings as having an ethics committee, which never meets, I Mayor Peter Swiderski hereby proclaim the village of Hastings-on-Hudson to officially be known from this day forward and hopefully for all time, as "the suburban community" of Hastings.  A little hamlet on the Hudson, which has sold out, checked out, might as well be Bronxville, but will continue to mimic the unique village it once was.  A village I so wish I had known, but alas my character renders this an impossibility."
No wonder the youth of Hastings are expressing themselves by burning down porta-potties.  This, the only real art that's been on display in Hastings for decades.  'Hmmm.... Burning Porta- Potties.  I smell a grant.'
John Bartholomew Tucker

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Watch as long time Hastings resident John Gonder suggests to the Mayor and trustees that they vacate the elevated dias and deal with the public eye to eye, calling for the Board of Trustee meeting to relocate to the community center.  Just another of Gonder's tremendous ideas certain to serve both village trustees and residents alike.   Gonder makes yet another vital suggestion, that of a six year term limit for village officials.  
Gonder asks  --  How much money have you received from B.P. and what are the terms, why is B.P. handing out cash and funding events in Hastings?   Out of the goodness of their heart?  SWIDERSKI HAS YET TO ANSWER.  
John Gonder is a Hastings treasure and is truly, the last man standing.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


The calculated spin the people of Hastings witnessed on April 12 & 14th, was frankly despicable. Auditing changes were not thrust in the Mayor's lap hours before the meeting, he and the village manager were informed of these changes last year, they have been aware of being unable to pay down village debt (from my research, since Dec 1, 2009. The minutes of this board meeting can be found on the village website or with a simple google search). For the Mayor and trustee Armacost to then calculatingly shift blame to the auditors and last minute bad timing, and toss the crisis into the laps of collected department heads, is odious at best. The mismanagement and the shell game of carrying massive debt, especially in the times we find ourselves, pales however in comparison to the gall shown by the Mayor on April 14th, as he insulted not only the hard working village employees, but all of Hastings residents alike.
      Ms. Armacost was quoted in a recent Rivertown's Patch article.  "I believe the most effective way to shape the budget is to ask department heads to make self-assessments and make reductions themselves.  
      A reader comments and hits the nail squarely on the head.
      "She is in essence handing the gun to department heads and asking that they shoot themselves, rather than the Mayor and trustees getting blood on their hands."
It does not surprise that trustee Quinlan was not present on April 14th. Trustee Quinlan is a straight shooter, quite simply he is a real person, an increasingly disappearing entity in village government. He is not a calculating, posturing, elitist, who is playing politician. Mayor Swiderski stated that 'this is not what he signed on for." What then did he sign on for? The Mayor is in essence the C.E.0. of the village, he is responsible for it's fiscal maintenance and well being. For him to state that he 'hasn't paid much attention to," the issues of accounting is an insult and in my opinion strong cause for his recall. He, as a direct result of his hubris and overriding interest in how he is perceived, has insulted the intelligence of the village.
        I have called the Mayor out on his never ending transparent attempts to maneuver, cover up and spin at any cost, his incompetence. Mayor Swiderski's primary interest, above all else is how he and his agendas are perceived, not, the well being of the village. He exemplified this, and continues to exemplify this, in his mishandling of the deer issue, with far too many examples to list here.
        I was shocked that not a soul opposed him in the recent election. The village of Hastings can ill afford this "leadership," as we embark on what are sure to be difficult days ahead. This must not happen again, as the very life of our village depends upon it. This man's image, which in many ways is the face of Hastings, is not representative of the village in which I was raised.
       The diversity which has always drawn others to Hastings, is now threatened. Peter Swiderski knows nothing of this diversity. His character, constitution and life experience make any true understanding of this, an impossibility . He knows of this diversity and what Hastings has been, only in theory. As I, and his own trustee, Bruce Jennings have stated, a village is only as good as it's people. I find it so telling, that Mayor Swiderski and his board talk so often of 'art' and artists in Hastings. 'Spirit houses,' 'Carry A Poem in Your Pocket Day,' and the handful of successful artists and musicians whom call Hastings home, is not and has never been what the true "art" and attraction of Hastings has been all about. For the "real art" that is in fact the village of Hastings, has always been, it's people. To myself, trustee Quinlan is the lone representative of this art, currently seated on the board of trustees. He is his own man, I may not like certain of his positions, but I respect them, for I respect the man. Ironically had trustee Quinlan headed up the deer issue, there would have been no need for the creation of Buck Van Deer, for Quinlan hasn't any interest in posturing, people pleasing, playing politics or covering his own ass. Peter Swiderski's lack of character draws the opposition that he faced, as  hopefully it will again at the meetings scheduled for next
April 26 and 27 are most crucial, as they will forecast whether the village's true character will survive.

Buck Van Deer

Tuesday, April 19, 2011



Hastings Mayor Peter Swiderski announced Thursday evening that the village of Hastings on Hudson is approximately 150 thousand dollars in debt and currently operating without a general fund.   The Mayor, village manager Francis Frobel, trustee Nicola Armacost,  were according to the Mayor, given the sobering news from outside auditors just prior to a scheduled Board of Trustee meeting to discuss, ironically, the village budget.   Swiderski explained that the village of Hastings had been operating under the misconception that they possessed a reserve fund of some 350 thousand dollars,  but were in fact,  850 thousand dollars in arrears, wiping out said reserve and leaving the village roughly a half a million dollars in debt.
              Swiderski attributed the fiscal catastrophe to a number of village projects and their accompanying overages.  The addition to the library and a Hillside pool renovation, chief among them.   The Mayor explained that for many years the village had been "shifting" what he termed, "many little buckets" of money from one place to another, rather than address this growing deficit.  An issue he admits to  'not paying a lot of attention to',  and  a stratedgy  he further claims was supported by village auditors.  However, late last fall the parameters of the audit facing the village changed drastically.  Hastings was made aware at that time, that it's "shifting of little buckets" would no longer be acceptable, placing Hastings in catastrophic arrears.    The details of these changes were sent to all village managers, including Mr. Frobel, sometime in October or November of 2010. 
            Had it not been for  a stroke of dumb luck,  the village debt could be far, far, worse, as the revenue from a monstrous mansion, currently under construction on Broadway,  will cut the village deficit from a half a million to approximately 150 thousand dollars.  The village of Hastings which has seen it's Moody bond rating decrease over the years, falling from a class 2 rating of excellence to that of a class 3 rating of excellence (the last level of excellence),  is now in danger of seeing it's ratings plummet further,  the result of which will mean a catastrophic rise in interest rates.
            Strategically, Mayor Swiderski chose to make public this news, (on April 14th)  sharing it with a room full of village department heads, police, fire, recreation, etc., each present and prepared with their perspective budgets.  The Mayor telling them, that this news had just been laid on him a mere hours prior, the news of which made it difficult for him to finish his dinner.    This begs many questions.   Why did the Mayor elect to wait months before addressing this situation?   Had the village manager not shared the sobering news with the Hastings Mayor?    It would seem so,  as just two days prior,  at the April 12th Board of Trustee meeting, it was village manager Frobel who took the lead and addressed the public on the very same issue.  
          Why were Mayor Swiderski and village manager Francis Frobel not out in front of this financial crisis,  and why yet again, is  the Hastings Mayor left with his proverbial pants down?
            Peter Swiderski, who's first term in office was plagued by his mishandling of deer overpopulation, is now faced with kicking off a second term,  due to his own ineptness, by raising villages taxes 4 1/2 percent while having to cut services,  not the best of combinations on any Mayoral menu.    The Mayor sought to explain the village's situation this way, "we managed to insulate ourselves here because it's a well off community and a number of other factors, but audit rules changed and pulled one rug out from under us that left...."  The Mayor's train of thought was  interrupted by a perfectly timed,  thunderous village wide fire / emergency alarm,  which gave theatrical exclamation to what is fast becoming for Mayor Swiderski, a Shakespearean tragedy of epic proportions.
          Perhaps Mayor Swiderski should look to these "other factors," for the position the village now finds itself.    Mayor Swiderski and his Board of Trustees are comprised in large part of upper class, ivy league educated individuals whom ignored the larger financial realities of the world in which they live.   The Mayor stated that he is not happy simply maintaining village government,  stating further that he had not 'signed on for this.'  Here the good people of Hastings and the Mayor, who some have nicknamed "Fredo", are for once in accord.   They have not signed on for this either,  and would be overjoyed if the Mayor of Hastings were able to 'maintain' the village, rather than running it into the ground, due to his own hubris. 
         The Mayor and his trustees chose to disregard their deficit, and continued borrowing and 'shifting' monies, while catering to upper class yuppies and multi national corporations (Atlantic Richfield / B.P.)  whose mindsets and self serving agendas are eroding the fabric of this country and moreover destroying the planet earth.    Mayor Swiderski can no longer expect the village of Hastings to swallow his endless empty rhetoric,  while he ignores the dwindling middle class of Hastings,  which is being forcibly pushed out of the village.  A middle class comprised of artists and hard working men and women who are the last vestiges of diversity, the very staple of what once was Hastings on Hudson's attraction and uniqueness as a village.   Though Mayor Swiderski likes to portray himself as an 'everyman', he is anything but.  If it walks like it's from Bronxville, talks like it's from Bronxville,  it's probably from Bronxville, and has nothing in common with what has made Hastings on Hudson the village that it is.    It is horrific that hard working men and women, who pay their debts,  who don't know from trust funds and grants,  who give their lives to the village,  these people will now bear the consequences of Mayor Swiderski's lack of foresight and attention to deficits.  Deficits he was party to incurring, and then ignoring... 
          The Mayor is fond of repeating ad infinitum, "it's a process," when encountering any and all sticky wickets of his creation, "it's a process."  It is clear,  that the village of Hastings on Hudson hasn't anymore time for, and can no longer afford, "Swiderski's process."   Little buckets,  indeed. s

Monday, January 17, 2011


We have obtained an email which was sent from Concerned Citizens of Hastings CCoH, to many in Hastings on Hudson, expressing outrage over a village message sent by Hastings Mayor Swiderski, re Martin Luther King Day.  It is simply uncanny how Mayor Swiderski is able to continually one up himself yet again embarrassing himself and the residents of Hastings on Hudson.  The following email reprinted with permission of Concerned Citizens of Hastings CCoH                                                                            
What on Earth do Martin Luther King Jr. and  
Dr. Kenneth Clark have to do with affordable housing? 
Message from the mayor: Martin Luther
King, Affordable Housing
Fellow Residents;
This Monday, January 17th, the village is closed for Martin Luther King Day.  Martin Luther King’s message of equality and civil rights is one we celebrate in his memory.
Dr. King is known to have visited in Hastings with Kenneth Clark, a resident who played an important role in our nation’s civil rights history.  ...Mr. Clark passed on five years ago, but his legacy lives on and our community can be proud he called us home."
“While much has changed in this country in the intervening forty years, we still work to perfect our union, including on a local level.
Hastings has worked for years to broaden the availability of affordable housing.  Our Affordable Housing Committee has built two cottages on Warburton (at the base of Pinecrest), each with a rental apartment for a total of four units...”

Linking the memories of Martin Luther King and Kenneth Clark to that of 'affordable housing', is not only an insult to the memories of Rev. King and Dr. Clark, but to all current and former residents of Hastings on Hudson who are appalled by the association and the sanctimonious posturing and thinly veiled racism of Mayor Swiderski's M.L.K. Day message.  

The Mayor’s message is a sad attempt to associate himself with the bygone era of a class-blind and color- blind Hastings that he has been instrumental in destroying.

Can our community really still “be proud Dr. Clark called us home?”  Many of us knew the Clarks, and can assure you that the Hastings the Clarks called home is a very different place from the suburban community Mayor Swiderski represents today. 

In Dr. Clark’s day, Hastings was economically available, and emotionally welcoming to all without regard to race, ethnicity, or economic means.  Distinctions that are noted today were absent from notice then.  For many decades Hastings existed as a model of democracy and diversity, open and available to all.  This is no longer the case, and Mayor Swiderski’s boasting is a ridiculous attempt to cover the real reason Hastings is addressing the issue of affordable housing: 

After losing an important anti discrimination lawsuit in 2009, more than 30 towns and villages throughout Westchester were ordered by the federal government to utilize funds from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to create a total of 750 new affordable housing units in Westchester's most racially homogeneous villages, including Hastings”

Mayor Swiderski’s attempt to spin the court’s condemnation into a source of pride is dishonest and embarrassing:
“Keeping Hastings economically diverse, promoting racial diversity, and remaining a leader in this area is of great importance to who we are.”
-Peter Swiderski

“A leader in racial diversity?”  The Town of Hastings just had a Federal judgement against it for racial discrimination!  

“A leader in economic diversity?”  The median home value in Hastings is $972,400! 

Hastings has become a town so lacking in diversity that to comply with a Federal discrimination suit, some residents will now be slapped with the stigma of “affordable housing,”  the very kind of stigma Dr. Clark was so sensitive to.  Dr. Clark’s psychological experiments demonstrated how such stigmas adversely affect children who internalise them, making them feel inferior.  

Mayor Swiderski's MLK day message proudly links our African American heroes with our lack of affordable housing.  What could he possibly be thinking?  Does he imagine that no one still lives in Hastings who remembers the diversity our town lost while he has served as Trustee and Mayor?  Does he believe his self promoting propaganda covers up the illegal transgressions of our community?  Does he think we share his association of African Americans with affordable housing?  It’s difficult to imagine a motive for his message that isn’t horrifying.  

Hastings is rapidly turning into a town filled with privileged corporate executives like the Mayor himself who argue over providing affordable housing for the people who tend their lawns, cars, restaurants, DPW, fire stations, etc.  

Following are three quotes from Hastings residents (including Mayor Swiderski) in a meeting on affordable housing.  
"I was raised to believe that if you can't afford to live in a certain area, then you shouldn't live there," said Hastings newcomer Michael Wagner at a meeting on May 13.” 
Mr. Pardy said, "We've all worked hard to live in a nice town, and as politically incorrect as it is to say it, I don't want people from lower-income neighbourhoods moving onto my street."
Mayor Swiderski said,  "Affordable housing helps foster diversity in the community and helps keep individuals who perform essential village services local."

These comments demonstrate the degrading attitude our town’s most self-entitled residents have toward anyone less privileged than themselves. 

Peter Swiderski is the wrong person to be Mayor of Hastings, this is clear.  We are tired of being embarrassed by this man.  We are tired of watching as his character defects erode the values and ethics  of the town we love and cherish.    

Respectfully, Concerned Citizens of Hastings